#4 This One’s For The Birds! – Blue Birds

Our next project is a little bluebird.  With Spring just around the corner, we wanted to give some attention to our fine feathered friends!  This project uses some confusing pieces but we are so excited that we found a place where brick names are listed and shown!  The site we will use from now on to help us describe our pieces is at: http://shop.lego.com/en-US/Pick-A-Brick-ByTheme.

You will need:

1      flat tile 1 x 2

1      plate 1 x 2

1      roof tile 1 x 1 x 2/3

1      plate 1 x 1 with holder, vertical

1      brick 1 x 1 with 4 knobs

2     plates 1 x 1 with holder, horizontal

3      plates 1 x 1

8      round plates 1 x 1

1       brick with arch 1 x 1 x 1    1/3

1      corner plate 45 degrees 3 x 3

#1 Mount a round plate 1 x 1 to flat tile 1 x 2. This will be the bird's feet.

#2 Mount a plate 1 x 1 on top of the round plate. Next put your brick with arch 1 x 1 x 1/3 upside down on top of the plate 1 x 1.

#3 Next, mount the plate 1 x 1 with holder, vertical upside down onto your brick with arch piece.

#4 Now you will turn the brick 1 x 1 with 4 knobs on it's side. You will top knob of the brick to make the birds beak..

#5 Make the bird's beak by attaching a roof tile 1 x 1 x 2/3 to the top knob of your brick with arch.

#6 Attach a round plate to each side knob of the brick with arch piece to make eyes for your bird. Then mount a plate 1 x 1 on top of the last knob to make the top of his head.

#7 We want his head to be more of a rectangular shape so he wil be balanced enough to stand. To do this, mount 2 plate 1 x 1s to the bottom of your brick with arch piece. Then mount a plate 1 x 1 with holder, horizontal with the holder facing upwards.

#8 We are going to work on his tail feathers now. Start with your corner plate and add 5 round plates on top. You can do any pattern you like. Then mount a plate 1 x 1 with holder, horizontal under the corner plate as shown.

#9 Finally, attach the feathers to the bird by connecting the holders together. You can wiggle the feathers a bit until your bird is properly balanced.

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#3 Valentine’s Heart

Happy Valentine’s Day!  This week, we are making a simple Valentine’s heart that is a perfect little gift to give someone you love.  . . like a girl who doesn’t make you crazy . . . . if you know one!  In my case, I just gave it to my little brother Tony because he is pretty love-able.  Either way, this is a fast and simple project and a fun one to share!

What you’ll need:

Decide what color pattern you want for your heart.  I chose all red but you can use reds, pinks, white or your favorite color.

6    2 x 2 standard size bricks
7    2 x4 standard size bricks
10    4-spot standard size circles (if you don’t have circles, just use an equal amount of 2 x 2 bricks.)
2    2 x 6 standard size bricks
1   2 x 8 standard size bricks

We will start this heart at the bottom and work our way up. 

The first two layers are built by stacking a 2 x 4 standard brick onto a 2 x 2 standard brick.


The next two layers are built by stacking a 2 x 8 standard size brick on top of a 2 x 6 standard brick. Then these layers on top of your first two layers.


Next, you will work on your 5th and 6th layers. Stack 3 of your 2 x 4 standard size bricks onto a 2 x 6 and 2 x 4. These layers go on top of the others.


On our 7th layer, we are going to attach 6 of our 4 spot circles and 1 of our 2 x 2 standard size bricks. My pattern went like this: circle-circle-circle-square-circle-circle-circle. The 8th layer is made with 2 of the 2 x 2 standard size bricks and 4 of the 4 spot circles. My pattern was: circle-square-circle-circle-square-circle.


The last two layers are made with 2 of the 2 x 2 standard size bricks stacked onto 2 of the 2 x 4 standard size bricks. This makes the "peaks" of your heart.


My little brother Tony, my black cat Brownie and me! Happy Valentine's Day!

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#2 – Fun Little Spacecraft


Today’s project is a simple space ship that I built using some of the pieces I had.  There are a few pieces that may be a bit unusual and I tried to explain what they were the best that I could.  I cannot affort the large Star Wars sets so building spaceships on my own is a good alternative. 

Again, I don’t really worry about the coloring of my ships so as you look through the materials list, keep that in mind.  I only included the color if I thought it was important.  For example, the bottom of an engine exhaust would look weird if it were green!)

Here’s is what I used:

These are all the legos required for the project.

1          Thin left wing piece (trapezoid shaped with 3 spots on top and 6 on bottom)

1          Thin right wing piece (trapezoid shaped with 3 spots on top and 6 on bottom)

1          12 x 4 thin brick

1          8 x 6 thin brick

4          4 x 2 standard bricks

3          white 4 spot circles

2          orange 4 spot circles

1-2       mini-figures, depending on if you just want a pilot or a co-pilot too

2          seats/chairs

4          4 length slanted wedges (I used 2 gray and 2 blue)

4          3 length slanted wedges (I used white)

1          1 spot modified wedge, right angled

1          1 spot modified wedge, left angled

2          2 x 1 thin bricks

4          2 x 1 thin bricks with connector clamps

2          2 x 1 thin bricks with connector bar

10        1 spot orange circles (for the bottom of your engine exhaust)

2          2 x 2 standard bricks

2          engine exhaust pieces (cone-shaped piece)

2          flying wing arches

1          space police engine cap

1          2 x 1 standard brick

Step #1: To build the base of your space craft, use your left and right trapezoid wing pieces and a thin 8 x 6 piece.


Step #2: To connect your base, use a 12 x 4 thin piece. Embellish your base with 3 white 4 spot circles, and 2 orange 4 spot circles.


Step #3: Make the base of your cockpit with 4 2 x 4 standard bricks and 4 4-length slanted wedges.


Step #4: Make the cockpit using 4 3-length slanted wedges and 1 2x1 standard brick.


Step #5: insert the 2 chairs back to back in center of cockpit.


Step #6: Make the nose of your space craft with 1 space engine cap. You can also seat your mini-figures.


Step #7: Make your engine attachments and flames using two 2 x 2 standard bricks, 4 2x1 thin pieces with connector clamps, 2 2x1 thin pieces, 2 2x1 thin pieces with connector bars, 10 1-spot orange circles, and your 2 engine exhaust pieces.


Step #8: Attached your engine exhausts to the flying wing arches and then attach them to your base. Embellish with 1 1-spot modified wedge right angled piece and 1 1-spot modified wedge left angled piece.


Your finished product!

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Day #1: Simple Pick Up Truck

Today’s project is a just a plain ol’ pick up truck that can be easily made and then remade once you crash it! It uses 47 pieces total and with the exception of the car bed piece, everything else is pretty common. I didn’t worry about the color of the bricks but if you want you can make everything one color or make it two-toned if you want to.

Here is a list of what you need: 
1 car bed
1 6 x 6 thin (flat) brick
1 4 x 4 thin (flat) brick
1 4 x 2 thin brick
2 3 x 2 thin brick
4 4 x 1 thin brick
5 6 x 1 thin brick
1 2 x 1 thin brick
2 1 x 1 thin circles or squares
2 4 x 2 thin axles
4 tires (I used two pairs – 1 set bigger than the other)
2 4 x 2 standard brick
5 4 x 1 standard brick
5 6 x 1 standard brick
6 2 x 1 standard brick
2 3 x 1 standard brick
1 seat or chair with a 4 x 2 bottom
1 windshield (a 6 x 1 length on top)
1 mini-figure of your choice for a driver

We are going to build this pick-up layer by layer. Here are the written instructions for the project.  However, I tend to build simply by looking at a picture, so I will also include a picture of each layer. 

 1.  For the first layer, take your car bed and place in front of you.  The shorter side of the car bed will be the hood, the longer end will be the pick up “bed”.  The middle where the driver sits is the “cab.”  To make your hood, lay 2 2 x 4 standard bricks next to each other.  Make a dash by placing a 4 x 1 standard brick next.  To make the sides of your cab, use a 6 x 1 standard brick on each side.  For the back of the cab (opposite of the dash) use a 4 x 1 standard brick.  Now for the pick up bed, each side is made up of a 4 x 1 standard brick and a 2 x 1 standard brick.  The tailgate is a 2 x 1 standard brick.  To complete this layer, place your seat up front by your dash. It should look like this. 

2.  For the next layer, you start at the front of the hood and mount a 4 x 1 thin brick and then a 4 x 4 thin brick.  Now go to the sides of your cab.  Add a 4 x 1 thin brick and a 1 x 1 circle or square on each side.  Next, use a 6 x 1 thin brick to make the back of your cab.  Finally, build up your tailgate by using a 2 x 1 brick.



3.  Mount your windshield on the 4th row from the front.  On the sides of your cab, skip two spaces and then mount a 2 x 1 standard brick on each side.  Next, place a 6 x 1 standard brick on the back of the cab.  On your pick up bed, add a 6 x 1 thin piece on each side.  Build up your tailgate a bit more by adding a 2 x 1 thin on to it.  I won’t be adding any more on the tailgate because I like to have it a bit shorter than the sides of the tailgate (easier to grab) but you can add another 2 x 1 thin to it if you like.


4.  Next layer is made by placing 2- 3 x 2 thin bricks next to each other on the hood in front of the windshield.  On the sides of your cab, skip 2 spaces like you did on the other layer and then add a 3 x 1 standard brick on each side.  Mount a 4 x 1 on the back of the cab.  On your pick up bed, add a 6 x 1 on each side.  You can also seat your mini-figure at this point.


5.  Now let’s finish off our cab by placing on our 6 x 6 thin brick roof.  I mounted a 4 x 2 thin brick on the front of the hood and a 4 x 1 thin brick in front of the windshield.




 6.  Finally, add the tires to your axles and attach the axles on the bottom of the car bed.  I put my bigger wheels in the front and the smaller set on the back but it is up to you.



Now enjoy your simple pick up truck!  It is really fun to build a couple of these and race them or crash them because they are simple to re-build. 



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Welcome to The Lego Locker! School is in session . . .

Hi!  My name is Andy and I am a Lego-Lunatic!  I just love Legos!  My obsession started when I was 5 years old.  We had received a trash bag full of Legos from a friend and I dove in!  We didn’t have any of the instruction booklets and my dad encouraged me to just build anyway.  I’ve been building ever since! 

This site was my Mom’s idea.  She seems to think that all the amazing Lego creations I have built should be shared with other kids who maybe have a pile of Legos sitting in their room but no inspiration. 

My goal is simple:  to build a new Lego creations and to post the instructions on this site so others can build it too.  But remember, I am 11 so if I get sick or have to visit my Aunts or something, I won’t be able to post – I do have a Mom to deal with ok?

That’s the plan!  Let’s get building!

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